Source code for pbxplore.analysis.count

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

# Third-party module
import numpy

# Local module
from .. import PB

def _assert_same_size(sequences):
    Raise an exception is all sequence are not the same length.

    sequences: a list of sequences

        not all the sequences are the same length.
    seq_size = len(sequences[0])
    for seq in sequences:
        if len(seq) != seq_size:
            raise PB.SizeError

[docs]def count_matrix(pb_seq): """ Count the occurences of each block at each position. The occurence matrix has one row per sequence, and one column per block. The columns are ordered in as PB.NAMES. Parameters ---------- pb_seq: a list of PB sequences. Returns ------- The occurence matrix. Raises ------ InvalidBlockError encountered an unexpected PB """ _assert_same_size(pb_seq) pb_count = numpy.zeros((len(pb_seq[0]), len(PB.NAMES))) for seq in pb_seq: for idx, block in enumerate(seq): if block in PB.NAMES: pb_count[idx, PB.NAMES.index(block)] += 1.0 elif block not in ["Z", "z"]: raise PB.InvalidBlockError(block=block) return pb_count
[docs]def read_occurence_file(name): """ Read an occurence matrix from a file. It will return the matrix as a numpy array and the indexes of residues. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the file. Returns ------- count_mat : numpy array the occurence matrix without the residue number residues: list the list of residues indexes Raises ------ ValueError when something is wrong about the file """ # load count file # skip first row that contains PBs labels try: count = numpy.loadtxt(name, dtype=int, skiprows=1) except: raise ValueError("ERROR: {0}: wrong data format".format(name)) # determine number of sequences compiled # use the sum of all residue at position 3 # since positions 1 and 2 have no PBs assignement # and begin at 1 to not sum the index of the line (here is 3) sequence_number = sum(count[2, 1:]) if sequence_number == 0: raise ValueError("ERROR: counting 0 sequences!") # read residues number residues = count[:, 0] # remove residue numbers (first column) count = count[:, 1:] # get index of first residue try: int(residues[0]) except: raise ValueError("""ERROR: cannot read index of first residue. Wrong data format in {0}""".format(name)) return count, residues