Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

# Standard modules
import os
import textwrap

FASTA_WIDTH = 60  # line width for fasta format

[docs]def read_fasta(name): """ Read fasta file and output sequences in a list. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of file containing sequences in fasta format. Returns ------- header_lst : list List of headers (str) sequence_lst : list List of sequences (str) """ assert os.path.exists(name), name + ' does not exist' sequence_lst = [] header_lst = [] header = "" sequence = "" with open(name, "rt") as f_in: for line in f_in: data = line.strip() # jump empty lines if not data: continue # store header and sequence when a new header # (i.e. sequence) is found if sequence and header and data.startswith(">"): header_lst.append(header) sequence_lst.append(sequence) # reset header and sequence header = "" sequence = "" # save header of sequence if data.startswith(">"): header = data[1:] # save sequence if ">" not in data: sequence += data # save last sequence if header and sequence: header_lst.append(header) sequence_lst.append(sequence) # outputs assert len(header_lst) == len(sequence_lst), \ "cannot read same number of headers and sequences" print("read %d sequences in %s" % (len(sequence_lst), name)) if len(sequence_lst) == 0: print("WARNING: {} seems empty of sequence".format(name)) return header_lst, sequence_lst
[docs]def read_several_fasta(input_files): """ Read several fasta files Note that each fasta file may contain several sequences. Parameters ---------- input_files: a list of fasta file paths. Returns ------- pb_name: a list of the headers pb_seq: a list of the sequences """ pb_seq = [] pb_name = [] for name in input_files: header, seq = read_fasta(name) pb_name += header pb_seq += seq return pb_name, pb_seq
def _write_fasta_entry(outfile, sequence, comment, width=FASTA_WIDTH): """ Write a fasta entry (header + sequence) in an open file Parameters ---------- name : file descriptor The file descriptor to write in. It must allow writing. sequence : str Sequence to format. comment : str Comment to make header of sequence. width : int The width of a line. `FASTA_WIDTH` by default. """ print('>' + comment, file=outfile) print(textwrap.fill(sequence, width=width), file=outfile)
[docs]def write_fasta(outfile, sequences, comments): """ Write fasta entries (header + sequence) in an open file Parameters ---------- name : file descriptor The file descriptor to write in. It must allow writing. header_lst : list List of headers (str) sequence_lst : list List of sequences (str) """ for sequence, comment in zip(sequences, comments): _write_fasta_entry(outfile, sequence, comment)