Source code for pbxplore.structure.PDB

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

# Standard modules
import os
import gzip

# Local module
from .structure import Atom, Chain

# =============================================================================
# Data
# =============================================================================
# file extensions for PDB and PDBx/mmCIF files
PDB_EXTENSIONS = ('.pdb', '.PDB', '.ent', '.ENT4')
PDBx_EXTENSIONS = ('.cif', '.CIF', '.cif.gz', '.CIF.GZ')

[docs]class PDB: """ Class to read PDB files. """ def __init__(self, name): """ Default constructor for PDB file. """ self.filename = name self.chains = [] # check that file exists if not os.path.isfile(self.filename): raise IOError("Cannot read {}: does not exist or is not a file." .format(self.filename)) if self.filename.endswith(PDB_EXTENSIONS): self.__read_PDB() if self.filename.endswith(PDBx_EXTENSIONS): self.__read_PDBx() def __read_PDB(self): """ Read PDB file. """ # create new chain chain = Chain() # get chains from file # A PDB file can have several models # that can have several chains themselves. if self.filename.endswith(('.gz', '.GZ')): # for compressed file f_in =, 'rt') else: f_in = open(self.filename, 'rt') for line in f_in: flag = line[0:6].strip() if flag == "MODEL": chain.set_model(line.split()[1]) if flag == "ATOM": atom = Atom() atom.read_from_PDB(line) # store current chain and clean object if chain.size() != 0 and != atom.chain: self.chains.append(chain) chain = Chain() # append structure with atom chain.add_atom(atom) # store chain after end of model or chain if chain.size() != 0 and flag in ["TER", "ENDMDL"]: self.chains.append(chain) chain = Chain() # store last chain if chain.size() != 0: self.chains.append(chain) f_in.close() print("Read {0} chain(s) in {1}" .format(len(self.chains), self.filename)) def __read_PDBx(self): """ Read PDBx/mmCIF file """ # create new chain chain = Chain() # get chains from file # A PDBx file can have several models # that can have several chains themselves. atom_fields = [] atom_coordinates = [] if self.filename.endswith(('.gz', '.GZ')): # for compressed file f_in =, 'rt') else: f_in = open(self.filename, 'rt') for line in f_in: item = line.strip() # then store atom field definitions if item.startswith("_atom_site."): atom_fields.append(item.replace("_atom_site.", "")) # then store atom coordinates if atom_fields and item.startswith('ATOM'): atom_coordinates.append(item) f_in.close() # separate all chains and store atoms chain = Chain() for atom_line in atom_coordinates: atom = Atom() atom.read_from_PDBx(atom_line, atom_fields) # define model at first atom if chain.size() == 1: chain.set_model(atom.model) # store current chain when chain name changed if chain.size() != 0 and != atom.chain: # store model number only if there is more than one model if chain.model == atom.model: chain.set_model("") print(chain) self.chains.append(chain) chain = Chain() # store current chain when model number changed if chain.size() != 0 and chain.model != atom.model: self.chains.append(chain) chain = Chain() # append structure with atom chain.add_atom(atom) # store last chain if chain.size() != 0: self.chains.append(chain) def get_chains(self): """ Give chains, one at a time. Returns ------- generator Chains in PDB structure. """ for chain in self.chains: yield chain